Friday, April 27, 2007

Real Life Stories: Pink Ladies are the Greatest

I know that some of you were perhaps skeptical of my unabashed declarations of apple love a month or so ago. As proof that my worship of the Pink Lady is not simply some passing fancy taken up by a Lonely Dissertation Widow, I offer up this actual conversation from last Saturday morning.

SCENE: 8:30AM, Walgreens, Verona Wisconsin, approximately 1 hour before the Small Liberal Church choir begins it's dress rehearsal for the Schubert Mss in G. SPARKY, the choir director, is purchasing a stick of deoderant since she seems to have forgotten to put any on prior to leaving her apartment on the edge of the edge of the hood. She enters the store eating an apple, hastily grabs a stick of Degree, and begins her walk up to the main counter. MAKE-UP SALES LADY (MUSL), who has been stocking the nearby shelves with tweezers, intercepts her.

MUSL (smiling)

Do you need to check out?

SPARKY (distracted)

Oh, yes please! That would be great.


I can help you right over here at the cosmetic counter.

SPARKY (handing over deodorant)


MUSL (as she’s ringing up the deodorant)

That’s a really nice looking apple. Fugi?


Huh? Oh, no. It’s a—

MUSL (interrupting)

Oh! Is it a Pink Lady?

SPARKY (surprised)

Yeah! I mean, yes. Yes ma’am, it’s a Pink Lady.


Oh, I love those Pink Ladies. So sweet!

SPARKY (gushing, hands over her debit card)

Yes, and always crispy. I really like the fact that they’re always crispy.

MUSL (earnestly)

Always. They’re really good apples.

SPARKY (boldly)

I think they’re the greatest.

MUSL (still earnestly, hands back debit card)

They really are. Do you need a bag?


Wha? Oh, no. No thanks.


Well, you enjoy that nice apple.


Thanks! Have a great day!

SPARKY exits, beaming. MUSL casts a longing look at the half-eaten apple as SPARKY leaves, then goes back to stocking tweezers.


Blogger the stefanie formerly known as stefanierj said...

It's true that Pink Ladies are sublime. But they come from Australia, don't they? I mean, shouldn't that have been a tip-off? :)

April 30, 2007 12:19 PM  
Blogger Sparky said...

They do indeed come from Australia, like so many good things . . .

April 30, 2007 1:00 PM  
Blogger Stephanie E. said...

I actually looked for Pink Ladies at the grocery store the other night so that I could gain some firsthand knowledge of this heralded fruit. But alas, I didn't find any.

May 02, 2007 7:44 AM  

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